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国际学校网    2019年12月24日



The BRS Class of 2020 is proud to announce 109 early acceptance offers from highly-regarded colleges and universities around the world.  The fruits of BRS students’ labours and dedication to study and learning have helped them to achieve their dreams.

Of these 109 early acceptance offers, 20 are from prestigious U.S. universities, including top-ten rated University of Chicago, the University of Rochester and New York University. 37 acceptance offers have been received from well-known UK institutions, including the University College London and Imperial College London, both of which are classified as “G5 Super Elite University” institutions.

Keeping pace with the sought-after U.S. and U.K universities, we also have 22 early acceptance offers from highly regarded Canadian and Australian universities, including the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney and the University of Alberta. BRS art students also received acceptance offers from top-ranked global universities known for excellence in music and art design, such as Berklee College of Music and Art Center College of Design.

We look forward to updating this list in the coming months and will keep you up-to-date periodically as our BRS students continue to receive acceptance offers from their dream universities.来源:国际学校网本页网址:
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